ECO GB Energy Services

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Panel Battery Storage

Basic Understanding of Solar Panel Battery Storage

The rapid increase in global warming and environmental pollution inclined people to look for environmentally friendly sources to use in daily life. Solar energy became the missing piece of the puzzle when it came to powering home with an environment-friendly energy source.

The increase in demand for solar energy caused the rise of solar battery usage. Solar battery storage is used in combination with solar panels to store excessive energy. This stored energy can be used at night to power the house when no energy comes from solar panels.

solar advantage

Advantages of Solar Panel Battery Storage

Solar panel battery storage can facilitate various advantages, some of which are explained in detail below.

Low Carbon Footprint:

The first thing that comes to mind when considering solar panel battery storage is its power source, the sun, which is a renewable power source and will decrease your carbon footprint. It can be a sustainable backup power system compared to other variants, such as generators. By using solar battery storage, you are also playing an essential part in pushing the zero-carbon target of the UK. It is aiming to reach net zero carbon by 2050.

Saving Bills on Energy Consumption:

The use of solar panel battery storage can assist you with energy independence, making you unbound from the concerns regarding high energy bills. The average three-bedroom house in the UK utilising the services of solar panel battery storage can save up to £669 a year.

Availability of Backup Power:

Solar panel battery storage also eliminates the fear of power shortage or blackouts. The most recent major blackout recorded in the UK was in Aug 2019, which affected various parts of Wales and England and caused problems for more than a million customers. When using solar panel battery storage the energy stored in batteries during day time will always be in your arsenal to use anytime when required.

Longer Lifespan:

Everything in the world has a lifetime, even human beings. Solar panel battery storage is also guilty of it. But with proper care, batteries and panels can last longer than expected. The average lifespan of solar panels is expected to be around 25-30 years, and the life expectancy for a solar battery is between 10-15 years.

Selling Surplus Energy Back to the Grid:

There is always the option of returning excessive energy to the grid. Thanks to the initiative Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) started by the UK government in January 2020. This push made it compulsory for certain energy providers to buy renewable energy from homes. Although rates depend on the energy supplier, the average rate could lie between 1p/kWh and 24p/kWh.

solar disadvantage

Disadvantages of Solar Panel Battery Storage

The advantages listed above could be pretty compelling. Still, you should also consider the disadvantages attached to solar panel battery storage to get a complete understanding before installing it in your home. Some of the disadvantages of solar panel battery storage include:

High Cost of Installation:

One of the most common disadvantages that is dragging down the usage of solar panel battery storage is the upfront installation cost. Although the price depends on battery type, the average solar battery cost in the UK ranges between £1,500 and £7,000.

Requirement of Battery Replacement:

Another disadvantage is the replacement of batteries. Though the lifespan is above a decade, depending on quality, still the replacement cost can be high. Take the example of a Lithium-ion battery with an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years; the replacement will cost around £5,000 to £7,000.

Capacity and Safety Concerns:

One of the common concerns attached to batteries is the degrading of power storage capacity with time; solar battery storage is also not exempt from it. The solar battery storage will reduce its backup power with the passage of time.

Batteries also tend to heat and can catch fire when they are not installed correctly. It can also happen if there is no proper ventilation or thorough maintenance. It is always advised to use the services of professionals in case of emergencies.

Expensive Maintenance:

Solar battery storage needs constant maintenance. It mainly involves regular charge level checkups, maintenance of batteries if required and replacing them as needed.

solar panel battery


Like everything in the world, solar panel battery storage system also comes with its pros and cons. It is totally dependent on the buying customer to do thorough research and analyse both advantages and disadvantages before considering buying.

It is also essential for homeowners to sensibly calculate the cost and power requirements before taking a step towards the market. Additionally, it is always advised to utilise the services of an experienced contractor to ensure that the system will work longer and efficiently.

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